Enrichment & Personal Development programme


It takes more than excellent grades to gain entrance into the best universities and competitive apprenticeships.

We know that students need support to build Higher Education skills as well as developing an intellectual literacy to complement their academic studies. Our experienced tutors deliver a creative and thought provoking weekly tutorial programme; which looks at current affairs, study skills, literary works, philosophical themes and debates which affect people’s lives. Alongside this we have a Cultural Enrichment Programme where students are exposed to guest lectures, museum and theatre visits, trips to areas of cultural significance and residentials. The Cultural Enrichment Programme is highly subsidised to ensure all students have access to it.

Students choose one formal enrichment activity to complete in addition to their 3 academic subjects.

Some of the options available are:    

  • EPQ       
  • Mentoring      
  • Voluntary work out of school             


Oaklands School has excellent links and long standing partnerships with a variety of organisations, all of which help our students succeed in sixth form and beyond.

For example:

  • Lloyds of London Mentoring
  • Bart’s Widening Horizons

In addition, we work closely with a variety of universities across London (and beyond).