
Why is Business Studies important?

The effects of business activities are felt across the lives of all people, whether they own a business, invest their savings in shares, are employed or are a consumer. Therefore, studying business helps students understand how business activities have an impact on the lives of everyone. Students learn about the different functional areas that operate within a business, the internal and external influences that contribute to business success or failure, and the strategies employed by business to meet their objectives. The course also develops many employability skills and transferable skills to support students with further study and employment. Therefore, business is an important subject to be more knowledgeable and skilled, as a future employee, a consumer or an entrepreneur.

What is the aim of the business curriculum at Oaklands?

We aim to offer a vocational two year programme within the business curriculum in Key stage 5.


The course consists of mandatory and optional units. We have chosen a variety of units to provide a balance of breadth and depth, thus enabling learners to develop an understanding a wide range business functional areas and the external influences upon them. It is our intent that teachers will provide realistic contexts using engaging scenarios and realistic activities that will permit learners to draw on and apply their learning.  It is envisaged that the range of modules will provide our students with a varied content relevant to their own interests and progression choices. Also, the units studied will be relevant to local employment needs, support entrepreneurship and provide a strong basis for higher education in business related degrees


We aim to offer a coherent programme of study, so learners can acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills through applied learning that brings together knowledge and understanding with practical and technical skills. This is achieved through learners performing vocational tasks that encourage the development of appropriate vocational behaviours and transferable skills. Examples of transferable skills that we aim to promote are communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are valued in both higher education and the workplace


We aim to encourage our learners to developing employability skills. This includes

We intend for our learner to build a bank of transferable knowledge and skills to prepare them for progression to university. This includes 

How is the curriculum in business structured?

Students study 13 units over two years. Four of the units are externally assessed and undertaken in exam conditions. Out learning programme enables students to learn about business environment, accounting and finance, marketing, human resources, management and international business. The optional units have been chosen to support progression to business courses in higher education, and link with relevant occupational areas. It is our intention to teach the units sequentially in order for students to apply their knowledge in a synoptic manner to their final unit, ‘Pitching for a new business.

KS5 Qualification title: BTEC Extended Diploma in Business

(link to KS5 subject overview - these have already been written)

Business Curriculum Maps

Additional learning resources:

There are many useful websites to support learning. They provide a background notes, topic videos, and examples of business activity

Practical tips / activities for parents to support learning at home

The first step to success is to be organised. Therefore, it is necessary for students to keep a learning file that is organised. It should contain copies of all assignment briefs, notes in date order, print outs of coursework and corrections. It is always helpful, if parents check their son/ daughter’s folders to see if the work is organised and filed correctly.

Show an interest in your son/ daughter’s coursework and ask about what businesses they are focussing on for their coursework. Our students often forget that their parents may be employers or entrepreneurs, and their knowledge about their business can be a valuable resource for their coursework.

Ask about coursework deadlines and support your son and daughter about personally setting time deadlines to complete tasks. This will help prevent them leaving their coursework until the last minute and becoming stressed, when they feel that they can not cope with